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Mastering Non-Receipted Returns: The Power of an Omnichannel Transaction API

Understanding Non-Receipted Returns The retail landscape has significantly evolved with the advent of technology. One of the significant changes is how customers now have the freedom to purchase products online and return them in-store, or vice versa. However, this flexibility also brought along a challenge - managing non-receipted returns. Non-receipted returns occur when a customer…

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Optimizing Multiple Receipts for a Single Return: A Deep Dive into Omnichannel Transactional Master Data APIs

Understanding the Concept of Multiple Receipts for a Single Return In today's retail sector, the concept of multiple receipts for a single return has become increasingly common. This concept involves the return of several items purchased across different channels, using various payment methods, all under one receipt. It's a reflection of the omnichannel shopping experience…

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